Photoshop Trick For Better Edits.

 hi there this isn't Michele are you today I just wanted to share with you a quick tip to save all the open files in Photoshop at once so here we unfurnished up, and suppose you gushed in a bunch of images say for your website and your website has a white background so I went ahead and turned the canvas background to white, and by the way to change the canvas background to any color make sure you choose custom and choose select custom color, and you can select any color you want now suppose my website has a whitebackground and he opened up five or siximages, and you've changed the images according to the background maybe you increase the contrast maybe you added the vignette whatever you wanted, and maybe you resized it now you want to save all of them at once instead of going to have to go to file save as with all the images here's what you need to do go to file scripts image processor now the image processor has a massive potential.

and we will be covering it in future tutorials but for this tutorial you can choose use open images now it has every step step one two three, and four you can use open images or you can choose a folder and can choose a folder for all the images, and it will process automatically but for this you're gonna choose use open images because we are saving all the open images which are right now open in Photoshop now second step select the location you want to save the processed images you can save it in the same location or you can choose this,

 and select the folder that you want so I'm gonna choose a folder in the desktop and let's choose say jay-z, and by the way GC has nothing to do with this and click OK now it's all fine I want to save it as a JPEG or you can save it as a PSD you can save it as a tiff, and you can save in all three formats at once so you can keep all of them checked if you want, but I'm gonna keep jpg checked and let's keep TIFF checks just for fun and you can choose the quality,

 and the quality ranges from 0 to 12 the minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is true of the lesser the quality the lesser the file size the more the quality the higher the file size okay, so I'm going to choose full quality or maybe I'm going to choose 8 if you have uploading it to web and I can also choose 5, but let's choose 12 for quality and forest preferences you can also run an action to it, but we'll cover this in future tutorials keep this unchecked include ICC profile that's fun, and click on run now if you'll save each one of them one by one,

so it's right now saving it should do that automatically and once it does that let's open the folder to find out where that has done the right job or not, so I'm gonna go ahead and open the jay-z folder there we go and once you open the jay-z folder it has jpg folder it has zip folder right because we checked both of them, we check JPEG we checked if now TIFF it has everything in TIFF format and JPEG everything in jpg format, so here's how to save every Open File at once in Photoshop for more tips and tricks make sure you hit the subscribe button, and we'll just subscribe bring the rest of that you my friend don't miss a thing I'll see you guys when I - until then stay tuned, and make sure that you keep creative.
