Photoshop Cs6 For Beginners.

 hey guys I'm going to cover of a small topic do do this topic is very small guys but it according to me is very very important okay, and a Photoshop user is definitely supposed to be knowing about it okay and today's topic people is supposed to be about filling color and basically you know how do you fill color into an image now when I child learning it will be Photoshop, I really wish to find this thing very very tough you know because like example is if I bring in this new document by pressing ctrl n okay, and position press okay right now no you always have the option to press the B key.

 and you know just paint around the you know a unique animation and that's like you know an okay, option you know you can make it work into you know when you work in some projects, but you know that is there will be a time when you know you have made a selection okay, and you know you want the color to be filled into it okay, instead of painting it because you know sometimes the selections may be very very small you know or you know again, and again choosing a brush.

 and then you know changing the hardness, and the opacity and all that you know those kind of things are you know something like makes a boring or too much to do, so you know you may want to use these techniques which I'm which I'm about to teach you okay, all right now for teaching this guys I have actually bought into the I have actually bought this image, but I think that it's not that great image, so actually I'm going to do control who.

 and I'm gonna select a few images and you know these days, guys I'm really like you know which images to take because all of them have copyrights and all and a matter of fact that image two would be having some corporates, so guys I'm going to open this you know this final image which she had used for my previous project or for my previous blog that was unmasking, and on brushes are not this was a final product which you have got which we had created but you see that I still have those mistakes over here okay, but anyways guys now say guy is that you you select your you know any of your selection tools, and I'm just gonna press my W key to to get to my quick selection tool.

 and no just just say guys and I'm go ahead and quickly just you know select four eyes away or actually these goals, and you know just say guys that you now want these selections to be filled with a particular color now you can go over your, and you know change your foreground color alright, and you know you can go to the brush and then you can just paint into that color, and that technique will work fine okay, at least for this situation but sometimes you know this you know instead of you know doing all these kind of work, guys I have you know there is one thing in it will be Photoshop which will do this exact thing, but it is a lot less work let go to your edit menu and you can go to this you know this option which says fill the shortcut is Shift of five, and guys I use a single lot and that's the reason I thought I would not show it to you guys well you know once you select this fill you know.

and this dialog box appears people you know in this use menu guys we have all sorts of different kind of options you like if you say that you have a circuit they are for wrong color, and you want your selections to be filled with that foreground color only, so you know in the user you know in this use option you can't just change your option to the foreground color, and when you press ok the foreground color will be applied same thing with the background color people, and guys there is this one other option which is color, so you know if you click on it you know a color picker dialog box will be given to you and then you can just you know browse through different colors.

 and just select you know which one you want to use from you know in your project, so say if I go for this something like a yellow color, and if I press ok and if I press and the best part about this fill dialog box is people that it allows you to play with the blending modes, ok we have all sorts of blending modes right now he overlaid the light in the screen dark, and multiply normal dissolve and basically we have the whole list for blending modes and then guys we even have the opposite II, so you know if you want the fill to be applied you know in a 50% opacity.

 so you can just you know type in the number 50 over here and sorry 50 and if you press ok, you will see that you know the color has been applied in a 50 you know cause you know capacity only so guys if you guys were wondering how do you do it, so that's the basic way guys you can you know use the fill command in Adobe Photoshop hope you guys like this blog, and yeah today should are it was only about this much as in filling colors in your selections, and hope you guys liked it please subscribe to me guys okay, and please like my Facebook page for showing me some support, and I'm going to be continuing with my other blog also guys like it'll be foolish or put After Effects Premiere Pro, and also some are also some other softwares so please have said.                     
