Easy Photo Editing & Coloring in Photoshop

 hey guys what's up and welcome to my blog guys in today's blog we are going to start to learn how do you make some awesome color changes how do you make some awesome effects on your images, and how do you do some basic retouching right in your images the guy is for doing all these kind of awesome stuff guys I'm not going to use it will be Photoshop alright Photoshop is a great application for doing all this, but just for speeding up the whole process of doing all these effects on my different images, I'm going to use another software, and it is known as Camera Raw okay camera, and go now for launching Camera Raw people we need to use Adobe bridge, so firstly we need to open Adobe bridge from Photoshop, so you can just go to the Photoshop launch Photoshop first go to file and click over your browse in bridge so it will be a bridge is going to start up these two folders guys okay.

 or these two panels right here can be used for navigating the way or to a place where all your images have been downloaded or located or copied or anything all right now I already have coming into the fold up by just for explaining purposes I'm going to do it again so I'm going to use my computer, I'm going to use a D Drive software files it will be Photoshop and camera files, so I hope you understood how did I do that, guys I'm going to create um a hole or you know solo kind of a turtle on how exactly do you use Adobe bridge because guys Adobe bridge is a lovely software for any no guys it is used as a like what you see like a media manager for Photoshop Illustrator After Effects Premiere Pro, and lots of other Adobe products okay, so I'm going to create one solo or tutorial on how do you use this with all those are the surface okay.

so make sure that you watch that because I think you need to have a little bit of basic information or info on it'll be camera or bridge in order to use camera on so first guys come to the folder where you have got all your images okay, and then speaking of camera a camera people really you know works with you like works better with a specific kind of file for match okay, now these file formats cannot be created as in you cannot convert your JPEG or file formats to be style for much because people these kind of file formats such as a dmg such as the NEF or CR to write these kind of file formats are those raw file formats that straightaway come out from your higher end cameras okay.

 so if any one of my viewers have a higher end camera you will definitely be having and when you take images from that camera you will definitely have these kind of file formats created us, and you know guys it's not necessary that you have like your camera specifically creates dmg or any F some may create something really different okay, which I do not 02:56 create dmg and nef way all right but yo guys one more thing this thing does not mean that you cannot use a camera in your JPEG file formats Camera Raw does excellent work guys with JPEG okay, like C if you want to create up with vignette a effect or if you want to add some particular shine you want to create some lovely effects guys or a black and white effect you can use Camera Raw,

 and it will get work done faster than it will be Photoshop alright so in today's blog I'm going to show you a good technique like how do you create a vignette effect using Camera Raw I am going to give you guys a basic introduction to camera right, so that was the file format introduction now let's take a look at how do you launch it, so michiga is that you are in Adobe bridge all right click on any of one of your images now guys for explaining purposes I'm going to use this lady's image on a clip on it, and I'm going to click on this real like I can okay, you want to be in a tool bar and it's going to be like a looking like a field right some look like a capture image, and when you click on in case it it launches it will be Camera Raw now first because when you launch Camera Raw each one on P it's not going to be maximized for you so it's going to be something like this you can just click on this button over here which is toggle fullscreen.

 and it will capture the whole like you know it will occupy the whole screen, so guys basically you do not have the selection tool in this camera feature or you have the zoom tool so you can zoom in to an you can use the hand tool for moving around you can hold on the Alt key for zooming out, and you know you have all your basic and awesome pools right over here on the right hand side people you have different kind of panels now if you want to make some color changes or some tone curves you have the tone curve okay, for experiences if I play around with the highlights you can see that my curves really move and you know, I'm going to teach you how to are you exactly use this and for FX guys we have this FX icon the lens correction you have these snapshots we have the basic.

 and also chop different kind of things away so yeah as I promised guys I'm going to show you how do you create the vignette effect and take a look guys how quickly I create this effect okay using camera lock so if you guys want to follow along with any of your images feel free to do, so firstly guys in and also magnetic it's necessary or it really adds to be effect if your image is a black, and white effect so I'm going to move on to the HSL grayscale panel or the fourth panel from your left, and I'm going to click on this button which says convert to grayscale and actually guys grayscale images also an effect itself, and really guys you know you can achieve this effect it in only one click in Adobe Camera Raw instead of going to a different kind of adjustments layers, and you know getting it done in Adobe Photoshop so once the black,

and white effect has been achieved go to the FX or panel, and down over here guys we have the post coordinating or you can take a look and you guys this style let that thing be at highlight priority, and guys this thing is this amount slider this thing is really kind of you know an awesome thing because you know it only gives you two kind of magnetic effects if you drag it all the way to the left you'll see you will you're kind of getting a black would need a right, and guys if you drag it to all the way to the right you will see you are getting a white unity now this is a personal preference so you know you can ready it can depend on what the you prefer um so for now, I'm just going to work with the white we need a such just, so you guys can see we have a negative guys you know with only one sliders moment I have created awesome, and you know guys we have all sorts of different options for editing this Vigna tea that we have created okay.

 and we have the midpoint so you can actually focus if you want to you know zoom in the we need a little bit more if you want to zoom out a little bit more, so that nothing really you know you can you can play with that set up we have the roundness let's say if you want to create a more perfect circle kind of a weak-kneed a you know something like a longshot you have you can slide the slider all the way to the right or if you want to create something like a rectangle, and a for Whitney it is you can you know take it to the left, and you can see I'm really getting this really nice border kind of an effect, so it's pretty good how to say just do a double click to get it in the middle as it was, and you even have the feather option right now you can see you know I'm creating this really nice feather on my dignity,

 and everything is going so really it really looks good guys right now and guys you have the preview checkbox option right over here for clicking in the preview, and clicking off for seeing what would what was the last panel or work was the last effect you applied in it will be camera all right so that was a basic introduction course on how to launch camera how can you mess with some of the filters, and yet guys or one more thing that I would like to teach camera people is mainly alright mainly, and hugely and mainly used for and actually I'm getting the Whitney T effect right now because my amount is all the way to the hundred I'm going to press zero on it, and it's going to go back alright awesome is mainly used for doing color correction so you know we have this basic you know pan right now,

 and I really want you guys to go ahead and experiment with all these different sidles because you take a look guys if and actually guys this is already you know an edited image I have download this image so you know if I'm moving a few sliders and nothing is happening so don't really worry about it okay, the camera is working just fine and I know my knowledge also, so I'm sorry music this is already an edited image so nothing really would happen on it if you can play around with your own image, and  get some awesome or characterization done only using this be span and guys yeah one other awesome use, and since we have this problem going on in this image so I would like to teach you, and this is a very common problem okay when you are taking a images guys with your cameras you often end up having this really problem in it away as in in your cameras or in your images.

 so I'm going to show you how exactly do you deal with these right, so first you guys zoom into the eyes all right, and on this toolbar guys which you have up over here there's a red eye removal tool or the keyboard shortcuts II, and you can just take it and drag it you know around the pupil and it will automatically detect the pupil so you can do the same thing with the other, and looks good and on the right hand side guys you have all your different of options if you want to darken the pupil like we would want to I would really want to reduce so people size also, so I'm going to basic nothing happened it's like something's wrong place okay, we have not selected the EOS this arm rectangle which was created now if I drop in it should happen I'm going to tap them be a sec yeah definitely minute should happen oh yeah this preview checkbox is right now off guys,

 so now if you see we have got rid of that arm you know that that problem is you had in our photo we can now you can see guys it is perfectly got rid of and you can, and we do not have that as redeye problem anymore in our image, so guys you can just hit the cancel button to get out of the camera right it is an awesome tool guys which are very very awesome feature or I'm gonna create or this Adobe bridge blog as quickly as I can guys okay, but it's an awesome to guys make sure that you watch that to tour it it's a very very awesome tool or awesome software that really complements it will be Photoshop in a great manner okay, guys so go ahead and experiment with your images in camera right to some awesome color changes make sure that the preview box is checked on like me because then you won't be getting any kind of effects, and thank you for watching this blog guys hope you guys liked it okay, and hope you guys see my other blogs also.
