Best Way To Turn BLACK Into ANY COLOR in Photoshop

 welcome to another camera or non-destructive workflow tip make sense no doesn't matter whether you open a raw image in Photoshop it opens up the Camera Raw dialog box right then you go ahead make some adjustments do all the editing, and do it pour your heart into it now then you open the image in Camera Raw, and once you open the image and once it opens up in Photoshop there's no going back right suppose you edited it for a bit and you wanted to reset the image back in Camera Raw, and you want to reset the adjustments that you did in Camera Raw there's no way to do it, but however you can always go to filter add a Camera Raw filter to it, but that erases all the camera information also edits all the adjustments that you did it doesn't remember them.

so here's what to do today's tip is about non-destructive workflow, so when you open a photo in Photoshop let me show you how to do it alright, so this is the raw image I'll just drag and drop it into Photoshop so this is raw image obviously the Camera Raw dialog box will load, so it has loaded up and now suppose I wanted to increase the exposure maybe the shadows maybe decrease the highlights maybe increase the clarity just a bit alright maybe ok, let's make it black and white all right I made these adjustments, and I click open image.

 but if I click open image these adjustments will be fixed I will never be able to go back, but instead what you have to do what you should do is press, and hold what's this what's this press and hold shift all right when you hold shift watch what happens have a look at this button it changes to open object, I'm just leaving shift for a minute it shows open image, but when I press shift I hold shift it turns to open object and then if you click it watch this it will load up as a smart object at this is interesting because of its smart objects if you want to reset the image if you want to go back in any way or form all you have to do let me just close this up all you have to do suppose you did some edits wrote some text like hello it just doesn't matter.

 I'm doing this for demonstration purposes alright so this is the text that you put, and if you want to reset the image double click on it and again boom the Camera Raw dialog box is just appeared, and as you can see all the settings are still intact I can always go ahead, and change it every camera information is still there if you want to reset you can do that too you can this grid can icon I don't know what to call this icon but click on it, and select camera or default and it resets to its original state so that's pretty much it for this video hope you enjoy this, and I hope you apply this to your images and if you did enjoy make sure you give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe, and not to subscribe click on that Bell body so that you don't miss any future tips tricks.                     
